Digital Art. From a Beginner's Perspective.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Looking Back: My first Ever Photoshop Drawing

I started my graphic design journey in a small institute called 'Red Apple Indian Institute of Industrial Training and Computer Education' which was 2 km away from where I lived - back in 2016.

But the idea itself for becoming a graphic designer was conceived during my 2nd year in college. That journey didn't end well. It was probably 2009,10. I enrolled in Arena Animation and quit abruptly after an 'incident' in Orkut! - But that story is for another time.

So back to 2016!

After learning the basics, I joined The Climber's mycaptain program online to further my skills. I thought I would become a 'professional' by 2017.

I opened Photoshop at the end of all of my training programs spanning a period of 5 months and, lo and behold, this (below) is what I came up with!

Looks like something that a kid would draw, right?

But at the time, this looked like a masterpiece to me. I even shared it with my tutor. I was extremely proud of my achievement - and I'm still proud of it today actually.

My other first 'pieces' in photoshop included a batman symbol, a woman I tried 'enhancing' from a TV Show, and a picture of my own face which I played around with - a lot.

I was like a kid in a candy store when I was inside Photoshop. I would try every single tool that I knew and try and create something - even though the end product looked....something like these (below):


[ I even put a mole above my lip - if you can see that is :D ]

And that's how my photoshop journey began.

It looked like everything was going good. I had this gut feeling that I was getting there - a 'professional' graphic designer.

But then I stopped. Again. For the second time.

For 2 years I did nothing. I don't know what happened, but you could say that it was probably a sense of disillusionment that I was feeling. (Partly because I started believing the negative voices in my head - telling me things like 'You'll never be a designer' or 'you're too old' or even 'look at your friends killing it out there in their respective industries')

And fast forward to August 2019 - which is this month. I have started learning again - slowly, one step at a time this time. And I've never felt so good in my life. :)

This time I've decided to stick to it, through the ups and the downs. And this blog is the result of my commitment to keep pushing. It might take a while to get where I want to be but 'blue eye candy' is definitely a way forward.

Have a swell day, fellas!


If you missed my previous posts, click on these links for quick access!

Event Posters Using Photoshop
Hello there!


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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Event Posters Using Photoshop


I followed a udemy tutorial to make 3 posters.

And  *drumroll*  here they are!

Question: Which workout event poster is most likely to be noticed by you? (4th option is NONE🙈)

Comment and let me know! :)

Have a great day!🍒


If you missed my previous posts, click on these links for quick access!

Hello there!


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Monday, August 26, 2019

Hello there!

This is my very first post for this blog. So...

Sip some tea (or coffee) and enjoy your stay <3

*virtual hug*

My name is Anu and I created this awesome place to catalogue the progress of my 'digital art.' I will upload a finished piece every Saturday.

I am a total beginner when it comes to digital art. I still have a long way to go. So...

Be nice, okay? :)

But, at the same time, I would appreciate any comments regarding the artworks that I upload. I'm using photoshop and illustrator to create stuff and if you have any tips or just about anything that you want to share with me, you can let me know - in the comments!

If nobody has given you a 'boost' today, here's one from me to you -
You are amazing! And I'm rooting for you if nobody is! :)

(Well...that was random. Anyway, keep reading :*)


Come back in a week and I'll have something eye candylicious artwork in here.

Oh, and btw, blue is my fave colour and I draw a lot of girls - hence the name 'blue eye candy'
(I know; you didn't ask, but I just had to say it :P)

Alrighty! Comment below this post if you think I should tweak the name or not. All your inputs, I'm just going to suck in like a vacuum cleaner. (Raise your hand if you are cringing :P)

I've had you here long enough - for a first blog post.

Now go and do something useful.


P.S. I just want to squeeze in one more thing into this post - This blog will also function as an assignment/project for a 'Digital Marketing' course that I'm taking. So, good luck to me...I guess!^^

(you can 'good luck' me in the comments if you like. I'll be terribly upset if my 'page views' in google analytics don't match the number of 'good lucks' in the comments.

I'm just kidding; I love you either way <3 I'm just flexing. Kekeke...

I'm having a blabber fit.


You can go back to your tea now.)

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About Me

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Anusuya is passionate about doing work that is meaningful. An engineering graduate based in South India, Anusuya has donned many hats since she left her corporate job to pursue her passion for working in the creative industry. From content writing to teaching English online, from learning the art of baking to learning digital illustration, she has done it all! When she isn't working, she can be seen pampering her pooches in her suburban home.

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