Since Christmas is just around the corner I thought - why not make a Christmas Card!
This is only the second time that I've ever used Adobe Indesign. When I came across Adobe Indesign, I imagined it to be a complicated version of Microsoft Word.
So I avoided it like the plague.
Until now that is.
I never imagined I would finish the card in two days! I'm warming up to Indesign, and I think I'll be using a lot of it in the near future.
Indesign is used for making business cards, greeting cards, pamphlets, and books and....that's about it correct? (Let me know if there're more uses of Indesign!)
So this is just me testing the waters of Indesign - and, of course, how comfortable I am with it, by starting out with a lovely Christmas Card for ya'll!! :)
For anybody curious about the original card, you can find it in the tutorial page >>> How To Create A Festive Greeting Card in Adobe Indesign
The original card created by the author of the tutorial Grace Fussell had elements that needed to be purchased. I couldn't, so I substituted them with whatever free vectors I could find on's website.
It worked out pretty well I think.
I couldn't have done it any better. The card is simple yet looks colorful. Those were the key elements that attracted me to this tutorial.
Here is the front, back, and the insides!
Not bad huh... :P
Should I get it printed?
Who wants one? Let me know in the comments below!
And advanced Christmas and New Year wishes to ya'll! :) <3
This is only the second time that I've ever used Adobe Indesign. When I came across Adobe Indesign, I imagined it to be a complicated version of Microsoft Word.
So I avoided it like the plague.
Until now that is.
I never imagined I would finish the card in two days! I'm warming up to Indesign, and I think I'll be using a lot of it in the near future.
Indesign is used for making business cards, greeting cards, pamphlets, and books and....that's about it correct? (Let me know if there're more uses of Indesign!)
So this is just me testing the waters of Indesign - and, of course, how comfortable I am with it, by starting out with a lovely Christmas Card for ya'll!! :)
The original card created by the author of the tutorial Grace Fussell had elements that needed to be purchased. I couldn't, so I substituted them with whatever free vectors I could find on's website.
It worked out pretty well I think.
I couldn't have done it any better. The card is simple yet looks colorful. Those were the key elements that attracted me to this tutorial.
Here is the front, back, and the insides!
Not bad huh... :P
Should I get it printed?
Who wants one? Let me know in the comments below!
And advanced Christmas and New Year wishes to ya'll! :) <3
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