Digital Art. From a Beginner's Perspective.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

'Photoshopping' my Dogs


I've been tinkering around inside Photoshop the entire day just to come up with something to post here. First I thought I should come up with a logo of some sort or perhaps a header to make the blog more lively, 'cause - let's be honest, this blog needs a major facelift!!!

But then...

after skimming through a couple of tutplus tutorials, my brain started smokin' cigars. So I dropped the idea.

And I decided to stick to the simpler things. Like photoshop composting. - which isn't that difficult at all. But it did take me an entire day to get it done. For anyone interested, 'this' is the tutorial I followed.

Personally, I think they turned out pretty great. But a second set of eyes definitely helps. (which is you, by the way. *wink*) Honestly, thanks for stopping by this humble blog. I'll try to give my blog more love in the coming days, but for now, this is all I got. Big things start small, right fellas? With that thought, here are the results of my photoshop composting!

(Composting is just putting objects from different images in one single photo. That's how I understood it.)

What do you think? Yay or Nay?

My doggos vacationing with an unknown hooman XD

The Original Images: my doggos(top), photo from


that's about it to this post.

See you next Saturday!


If you missed my previous posts, click on these links for quick access!

Looking Back: My First Ever Photoshop Drawing
Event Posters Using Photoshop
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Anusuya is passionate about doing work that is meaningful. An engineering graduate based in South India, Anusuya has donned many hats since she left her corporate job to pursue her passion for working in the creative industry. From content writing to teaching English online, from learning the art of baking to learning digital illustration, she has done it all! When she isn't working, she can be seen pampering her pooches in her suburban home.

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