Digital Art. From a Beginner's Perspective.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

I Made A Book Cover For A Thriller Story I Wrote

I love a good thriller, and when I saw the author for this month for the TOIWriteIndia contest had given a prompt where we had to come up with a story of a thriller genre, I was super excited.

I was skeptical at first about my 'ability' to write thrilling stories, but my brain managed to hatch something in the end. And voila, I had written my very first crime story. (Well...sorta :P )

Image result for happy gifs anime

I also had a little celebration in my head for finishing it a day before the last day - which is tomorrow. Because that's never happened before. I'm very bad at keeping up with deadlines.

I can't reveal the story to you as per the rules of the competition, but I did manage to make a cover for the story in Photoshop. It's not a requirement but, I just thought I would do something extra. For fun. (My brain: I see what you did there. You want the author to notice you. You cheeky monkey!)

Of course, where would I be without all the tutorials to teach me how to do stuff. :D

I found an interesting tutorial on YouTube titled 'How to make a scary wall scrawled with blood.' And, since my storyline had a killer in it, I thought why not go the gory route for the cover.

Well, I'm pretty satisfied with the way it turned out (for a first book cover), and here it is for you to judge. What do you think? Would you be like -

'Hm..I wanna see what's inside.'


'Meh, this looks cheesy as F*'

Comment and let me know. :)

'You Made Me A Killer' by Anusuya Subramanian

If you've reached here, thanks for reading, mate. And I hope you have a great day ahead. 

P.S. Been watching a lot of Australia's Got Talent on YouTube. You can notice the influence it's had on me here. 'Mate' here strictly means 'friend' ya'll! :D I googled it just to be sure I was using it appropriately in my blog post, but google disappointed me with its first result. Hence this little explanation towards the end. Wasn't necessary but, ......... whatever. Here's a candy 🍬



If you missed my previous posts, click on these links for quick access!

I Tried Creating A LOGO For My Blog (And Went Insane)
'Photoshopping' my Dogs
Looking Back: My First Ever Photoshop Drawing
Event Posters Using Photoshop
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Anusuya is passionate about doing work that is meaningful. An engineering graduate based in South India, Anusuya has donned many hats since she left her corporate job to pursue her passion for working in the creative industry. From content writing to teaching English online, from learning the art of baking to learning digital illustration, she has done it all! When she isn't working, she can be seen pampering her pooches in her suburban home.

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